This Digital Class Room has been activated in the framework of the AMATT Training Program , a long term oriented program aimed at increasing at the same time European Sport Bodies Top Decision Makers strategic and technical capacity of preventing and countering match-fixing, and the quality of information released by media operators, with special reference to those engaged in investigative journalism.
It has the main function of play a follow-up role of the AMATT Training Interventions by promoting and facilitating a continuous peer-to-peer exchange of informations among both European sport bodies top decision makers and the AMATT specialized trainers. The specific scopes are:
A simil group of contact is activated for European sport media operators.
This Digital Class Room has been conceived and is conducted in a short, medium and long term perspective with the declared goal of fostering and facilitating a permanent European exchange of selected informations and the strengthening of know-how by sport bodies top decision makers within the world of sport.